Gabion baskets blog

Gabion baskets blog, your ultimate source for information and inspiration on using gabion baskets in landscaping, construction, and beyond. Whether you're interested in creating stunning garden features, erosion control solutions, or sturdy retaining walls, our blog offers expert guidance, creative ideas, and the latest trends in gabion design. Dive into articles that cover everything from basic construction tips to advanced projects, and discover how gabion baskets can transform your outdoor spaces with both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Gabion drinks bar, mesh and pebbles

on Wednesday, 15 July 2020.

Gabion drinks bar, mesh and pebbles

Gabions drinks bar using cutom sized 2 inch mesh gabions and pebbles.

Chris' gabion Seating and Firepit, using sleepers for tops.

on Friday, 01 May 2020.

Chris' gabion Seating and Firepit, using sleepers for tops.

An example of Gabion Seating around a firepit in a country setting.

The Gabions are in 4mm, cut down to 381mm high. They had to be shorter due to the thickness of the sleepers. The Sleepers were clamped down by fixing a piece of timber under the lid, at either edge of the basket, upwards to the sleeper.

The gabion basket under the table was 457mm high again with 100mm sleepers on top. The sleepers are separated by 8mm to stop water pooling in the surface.


on Monday, 01 July 2019.


Deans Dividing Gabion pillar fence with timber panel. The Gabion pillars are supported by scaffolding concreted into the ground.

Marshalls Chelsea Flower show

on Friday, 28 June 2019.

Marshalls Chelsea Flower show

Marshall's display at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019, Using narrow 5mm gabion baskets with large cobble infill.

Gabion pond

on Wednesday, 20 September 2017.

Gabion pond and drive way

Gabion pond

Beautiful pond and driveway made using gabion baskets. Immaculately planted and filled using local stone. Installed by Rhino Construction 07932753328 install in the Surrey area.

Adrian's Immaculate Modern garden entertaining space

on Tuesday, 07 February 2017.

Adrian's Immaculate Modern garden entertaining space

With an eye for design Adrian has cleverly transformed his back garden from a difficult to use sloped area into a modern entertaining space. Utilising clean straight lines and cleverly mixing materials, (including 2 types of stone infill) we think he has achieved a spectacular result. The gabions function both as a retaining wall, to flatten out the lawned area and as a framework for the seating area.

Slipping burn endagering property

on Thursday, 19 May 2016.

Slipping burn endagering property

A burn had eroded the ground away and the banking was slipping away in slices and endangering the property. We detailed to client what we would do to stop the slippage with gabion baskets. Our client is a great gardener and wanted something that would work with the old property. Since photos were taken the burn has been in full spate with the winter rain we get here in the west of Scotland and no further slippage! We have now installed handrails down the steps and owner has started planting in the gabions. Happy client.

Gabion Planter for Vegetable bed or Flower Bed

on Thursday, 25 February 2016.

Gabion Planter for Vegetable bed or Flower Bed

Gabions can be cut down to 225 or 300mm to make the ideal long lasting vegetable bed. The benefits of a gabion planter are:

They are porous. If lined with a weed membrane you can control water retention without it becoming saturated.

Retained Slope soakaway and water treatment plant using reclaimed concrete stone from driveway

on Monday, 27 April 2015.

Retained Slope soakaway and water treatment plant using reclaimed concrete stone from driveway

This project involved levelling a sloped garden in a clay area with poor drainage. Within this area a new water treatment plant and soakaway was put in. The owner also wanted to replace a poorly installed cracked concrete drive with gravel. The stone from the concrete drive was smashed up and used as the infill for the basket. As the baskets were not on show the entire basket could be filled with this stone. The brand of water treatment plant allowed discharge directly to a waterway so plastic soakaway crates were allowed to be used to create a new soakaway. Terram was used on top of the baskets with a wooden sleeper on the edge retain 100mm height of soil. The terram behind the basket is semi porous and ontop of the basket impervious to stop the grass drying out.

Garden project reclaiming lawn and elegantly restraining small river

on Tuesday, 14 October 2014.

Garden project reclaiming lawn and elegantly restraining small river

Garden project reclaiming lawn and elegantly restraining small river.

Lake and resevoir created using gabion baskets.

on Friday, 29 August 2014.

Lake and resevoir created using gabion baskets.

Lake and resevoir created using 5mm gabion baskets

WW1 trenches re-enactment used as teaching and learning resources

on Wednesday, 13 August 2014.

WW1 trenches re-enactment used as teaching and learning resources

Haileybury College in Hertfordshire wished to create a "trench trail" for their students and to share with schools in the area to come and learn about the First World War. Through the Trenches for Teachers project, historian Andy Robertshaw helped bring history alive to include a reproduction trench system complete with two fire steps, a dug out and first aid post along with the supply of reproduction items and teaching pack to enable students to interpret and experience elements of the conflict and life as a British soldier.

The frame work for the structure is made using custom made gabion baskets in 3mm wire.

Gabion Bridge support

on Monday, 09 September 2013.

Gabion Bridge support

photo of our rescued and restored footbridge (12' span) over our little stream supported by your gabion baskets. (due to be re-assembled week commencing 8th July - our holiday project - pray for good weather) This bridge has been swept away by floodwater four times now and each time we have been able to retrieve the bridge downstream so with the help of your gabions it will not be going anywhere in the future.

Ellen' retaining wall and driveway

on Wednesday, 17 July 2013.

Ellen' retaining wall and driveway


Twycross zoo, gabion baskets

on Friday, 22 March 2013.

Twycross zoo, gabion baskets

These are gabion baskets installed by Rock and Water for a project at Twycross zoo.

David's Curved gabion wall protecting against river erosion.

on Thursday, 21 March 2013.

David's Curved gabion wall protecting against river erosion.

David's curved retaining wall set on a solid footings, curve created on site using extra panels. This shows what possible even with difficult access.

Mr Gleaves' Planted garden retaining wall

on Wednesday, 20 March 2013.

Mr Gleaves' Planted garden retaining wall

'We used Fine Mesh to supply us with Gabion baskets to create a more decorative level change at the back of our development at Barn Lane, Golborne. I truly believe that it has enhanced the aesthetics and as the planting grows will look like the rock garden we intended. The product from Fine Mesh was easy to use and delivered efficiently.'

Wild Roof Gabion Bench and Gabion Steps

on Wednesday, 20 March 2013.

Contemporary gabion wall

Image of wall – client wanted a very contemporary look to a small back garden space – gabion baskets and white cobbles gave just the right look. Image of seat – client wanted an unusual seat for a front garden space to sit and read books. Gabion baskets were the answer.

Gabion parking area by Chris Ryall

on Thursday, 10 January 2013.

Gabion parking area by Chris Ryall

The gabions were perfect for the job I needed and very competitively priced. As a DIYer, the design and installation instructions on the website came in very handy too